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Unix / Мультимедиа / Игры / Crimson Fields 0.5.2 (generic Linux i586 binary RPM)
Crimson Fields 0.5.2 (generic Linux i586 binary RPM) скачать бесплатно
Requirements To play Crimson Fields you need version 1.1.5 or later of the SDL toolkit and SDL_ttf. For sound and networking support, you also need the SDL_mixer and SDL_net libraries from the same site. The game has been developed and tested on Intel architecture under Linux, but it shouldn't be too hard to make it compile for other operating systems as well. So far, Crimson Fields has been reported to work on Linux, *BSD, MacOS X, Solaris, BeOS, and Microsoft Windows.
Сайт : http://crimson.seul.org
Категория: Мультимедиа, подкатегория Игры
OC: Unix Тип: Freeware
Просмотров: 4017   Загрузок:   126  
Crimson Fields 0.5.2 (generic Linux i586 binary RPM) скачать бесплатно
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